shelbourne Physical Therapy

Sports Physiotherapy

sports injury victoria bcSport Injury Management, Treatment and Rehabilitation

Sports Physiotherapy is a specialized type of Physiotherapy which deals with injuries and issues related to sports. Sports injuries are different from everyday injuries since very high demands are placed on an athlete's muscles, joints and bones as they are performing at a high level. Our Victoria Sports Physiotherapists help athletes recover from sporting injuries while also providing education and resources to prevent problems. A Sports Physiotherapist has sport- specific knowledge that enables them to properly address acute, chronic and overuse injuries related to sport.

Sports injuries happen at any age and level of sport and recreational activity. These injuries can be caused by accidents, structural abnormalities, poor posture while exercising, poor core strength and awareness and/or inadequate training/warm up methods. At Shelbourne Physiotherapy we are dedicated to assessing and managing sporting injuries as early as the day of injury, to help aid recovery and limit time away from sport. We also have a great passion for educating you how to reduce the risk of injury.  Good preparation for sport and activity can allow the body time to adapt to requirments of the exercise goal.  By being proactive a lot of injuries associated with sport and activity can be avoided. So whether you have just come off the football field with a torn ligament or you are setting a big fitness goal we can help you reach your potential safely.

At Shelbourne Physiotherapy, we have Physiotherapists that have extensive experience working with athletes of all abilities, from weekend warriors to professional athletes. Our Shelbourne Physiotherapists currently work with a number of teams and individuals at the recreation, amateur, Olympic and professional level. We have Sport Physiotherapy trained Physiotherapists that have undergone extensive training through Sport Physiotherapy Canada's post-graduate training program. Our Physiotherapists not only treat athletes, but are also athletes. We understand the importance of recovering quickly from injury and we’ll keep you moving during the rehabilitation process. We’ll get you to the finish line!

Rugby Injury Victoria bcCommon types of sporting injuries include:

•Sprains and Strains – damage to ligaments or muscles
•Overuse injury – micro-trauma to bones, tendons or muscles
•Muscle imbalances – combining excessive load or repetition to a body that is adapted to that level of training, or over training one group of muscles and under training the opposite leading to changes in flexibility and movement.

Who should see a Victoria based Sports Physiotherapist regarding sporting injuries?

•If you have a current injury, it is advisable to book an assessment as soon as possible as this will assist in optimising all stages of repair
•If you have recently returned to activity after a long period of inactivity we can help educate you on how to resume exercising and reach your goals without risking injuries along the way. Repeated injuries are often the reason people find it so difficult to get into a regular routine of exercise.
•If you have a recurring injury that continues to prevent you from exercising regularly.

Victoria Members of Sports Physiotherapy Canada (SPC) and SportmedBC have experience and knowledge of the latest evidence-based practice, skilled assessment and diagnosis of sports injuries, and use effective ‘hands-on’ management techniques and exercise protocols to assist recovery and prevent injury. 

SPC members have access to the most recent advances in sports physiotherapy.Research efforts in the field of Sports Physiotherapy lead to a better understanding of sports injuries and improved rehabilitation techniques.

What is Sports Medicine?

Sports medicine and Physiotherapy in the athletic population encompass a wide variety of topics and programs, including:

  • Injury prevention
  • Rehabilitation
  • Injury screenings
  • Sports specific fitness for athletes  (all ages and experience levels)
  • Sports performance and wellness
  • Concussion management and rehabilitation
  • Functional Movement Screens (FMS)
  • ACL injury prevention and performance training

If you are receiving sports medicine rehabilitation at Shelbourne Physiotherapy you will receive one-on-one attention from a sports medicine trained physical therapist. Physical therapy treatment plans are specifically designed based on each athlete’s unique situation, needs and goals. Our goal is to restore your highest level of function and get you back to your sport as soon as possible and prevent re-injury.

Soccer Injuries

Most soccer injuries affect the lower extremities and are caused by trauma, such as a collision with an opponent or landing awkwardly from a jump, though 1/4 to 1/3 of all soccer injuries are due to overuse and develop over a period of time. The rate of injury for soccer players is up to 35 injuries per 1,000 playing hours.  The older the player, the more likely they are to get injured.  The most common injuries in soccer are contusion (haematoma), hamstring injury, ankle sprain, meniscal (knee cartilage) injury, low back disc injury, concussion, and ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tear.  Ankle sprains are singularly the most common injury in soccer.  Ankle sprains usually follow a typical pattern: occurring when the sole of the foot rolls inwards, damaging the ligaments on the outside of the ankle. Landing / running on uneven ground or landing on another player’s foot are common mechanisms of injury, as is an opponent sliding in and hitting the inside of a player's lower leg, forcing the foot to roll inwards.  The knee is the second most commonly injured joint in soccer players. The most severe injury in soccer is an anterior cruciate ligament rupture. Direct injury (being tackled or receiving a blow) or indirect injury (pivoting, twisting) may affect the ligaments (particularly the anterior cruciate ligament), or the meniscal cartilage of the knee.  The ACL is one of the major stabilising ligaments in the knee joint that prevents excessive movement of the lower leg in relation to the thigh. Seventy per cent of all ACL injuries occur without contact with another player. Mechanisms of ACL injury in soccer players involves a one-step stop deceleration, a sudden change of direction, landing from a jump with the knee and hip in extension, or a lapse in concentration. Hamstring injury is the most common muscular injury in soccer. Most hamstring strains occur without impact or contact with another player during sprinting or acceleration. Weakness and inflexibility in the hamstring group along wit low back pathology increases risk of injury. Other common muscle groups susceptible to injury in soccer are the quadriceps (rectus femoris), adductors (adductor longus), and the calves (particularly the gastrocnemius).

Soccer Injury prevention

balance (proprioception) improvement training, landing drill practice, wearing of ankle braces / taping ankles (particularly if you have suffered a previous ankle sprain), calf stretching, hamstring strengthening and stretching, adductor stretching and strengthening, employment of the FIFA 11+ program (a warm-up injury prevention program) - click here for more info, wearing of protective clothing (shin guards, mouth guard), and wearing appropriate footwear all help to reduce injury rates in soccer players.

Sports Physiotherapy Research Articles

Evidence Based Medicine/Practice in Sports Physical Therapy

Sports and Exercise-Related Tendinopathies: a review of selected topical issues by participants of the second international Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium Vancouver 2012

Effectiveness of a Home Based Balance Training Program in Reducing Sports Related Injuries Among Healthy Adolescents

Female Athlete Health

Sports Physiotherapist in Victoria, B.C.
Shelbourne Physiotherapy & Massage 3200 Shelbourne Street #100B Victoria, BC V8P 5G8 CA
Phone: 250-598-9828 Website:
