shelbourne Physical Therapy


Kinesiology in Victoria BCWhat is a Kinesiologist?

Kinesiologists are specialists in providing appropriate exercise therapy to clients with musculoskeletal, cardio respiratory and metabolic conditions. They are able to assess and prescribe exercise for people with medical conditions and functional limitations to help them improve their health and function.
Kinesiologists practice in many areas of specialty including exercise therapy, rehabilitation, wellness, ergonomics, health and safety and disability management.

Kinesiology is the science of human movement. Shelbourne Kinesiologists apply the lates evidence-based research to help you improve your health and wellness. They can help you feel better, move better and live better.

Kinesiology Victoria BCWhen to Choose a Kinesiologist

• If you have an injury, disability or medical condition(s) and want to improve your health and fitness in a safe progressive manner.
• If you have or our undergoing medical treatment (Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, etc) and want to increase your level of fitness.
• Have a referral from a Doctor to begin active rehabilitation or work conditioning.
• Goals are better health (inside and out), better quality of life, improved movement ability.
• If you want to learn how to manage your condition(s) with physical activity and lifestyle changes.

Kinesiology Active Victoria BCExercise Rehabilitation in Victoria

Our Registered Kinesiologists Jamie Zawacki, Kelsey KowalchukHeidi Nottelman, Larry Muir, Tegan Johnson & Emily Callandar can help you recover from your injuries or improve your fitness levels.

Kinesiology can help with patients suffering from the following conditions;

  • soft tissue injuries including bursitis and tendonitis
  • pre and post surgical rehabilitation
  • pre and post joint replacement
  • neck and back pain
  • ICBC post motor vehicle accident recovery
  • sports related injuries
  • muscle weakness
  • joint stiffness
  • poor posture
  • arthritis
  • osteoporosis
  • post stroke rehabilitation
  • balance issues

Active Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation in Victoria

Our experienced Kinesiologists develop individual rehabilitation programs for patients with chronic musculoskeletal conditions/injuries to ensure they return to sport/hobbies/daily activities faster and at the same level they were prior to injury,

Conditions could include;

  • Ligament tears/sprains
  • Tendonopathies
  • Muscle tears/strains
  • Chronic back, hip, knee conditions
  • Poor core strength

At Shelbourne Physiotherapy we take a collaborative approach to musculoskeletal rehabilitation and our Registered Kinesiologists work very closely with our Physiotherapists to ensure an optimal rehabilitation program is obtained for the patient. This approach ensures an overall reduced number of treatment sessions with a better end result for patients.

Kinetic Link Training (KLT) in Victoria BC

KLT Kinetic Link Training Victoria BCKLT is a systematic approach to biomechanically balanced, full-body resistance training. Kinetic Link Training (KLT) is a challenging and enjoyable approach to functional strength and conditioning training. KLT uses the movement of your entire body instead of traditional weight-based based programs that focus on one particular muscle group or region at a time. Achieve fantastic physical performance results, plus great long-term health and wellbeing. Develop a strong, toned, energized body which moves with ease, efficiency and control. Our experienced Victoria Kinesiologist Larry Muir is certified in the KLT Method and will be glad to work with you. KLT™ is a strength and conditioning system that focuses on real world movement patterns that build strength, confidence and improve function. Experienced Victoria Kinesiologist Larry Muir has been trained in this approach so he can provide the community of Victoria with evidence based functional whole body exercises.

Kinetic Link Training KLT uses the very latest strength and conditioning principles in relation to functional resistance training.

  • Development of functional training programs for all clients: rehabilitation, occupational conditioning or sports performance.
  • Training movement patterns, not individual muscles (including KLT’s 22 essential, distinct movement patterns).
  • A fully balanced functional strength and conditioning programs by using a proven and precise system of training.

Kinesiologist larry MuirKLT consists of exercises that feature multi-plane movements that promote fluid mobility while creating a well-balanced body capable of moving in any direction. KLT™ focuses on training movement patterns that incorporate the entire kinetic chain of the body instead of isolating muscle groups in exercise that don’t serve a functional purpose. This avoids over training of single muscle groups which can lead to imbalances relating to rotator cuff tears and over dominance leading to herniated disc injuries. KLT™ exercises train the muscles and joints of the body to perform synchronously together preventing future shoulder pain and other related overuse injuries.  Whether you are an elite athlete or simply want to increase your movement or overall fitness, KLT is a great way to develop strength and endurance, improve confidence in your coordination, balance and everyday movement as well as sports specific movement patterns. The KLT exercise programme will teach you to train distinct movement patterns, not individual muscles The KLT exercises are fully balanced full-body functional strength and conditioning exercises that use arcs & combinations of movements.At Shelbourne Physiotherapy we offer individually tailored Kinetic Link Training programs for you to carry out in your home with simple and inexpensive resistance bands & equipment or at the gym utilising mostly cables and pulleys.

KLT Kinesiology in Victoria, B.C.

Shelbourne Physiotherapy & Kinesiology 3200 Shelbourne Street #100B Victoria, BC V8P 5G8 CA

Phone: 250-598-9828 Website:
